Surprise! Dixie does recognize that she can herd sheep. I was rather certain her fear would keep her from understanding that. Well, it still affects her performance, but it does not rule out who she is. She at her core, from her parentage, has the needed gift I desire. How to remove her fear or lessen it is my real challenge. Just watching her move forward toward the sheep was thrilling. It had already happened in the past, but I needed to be able to steer/guide her to the correct position. That’s where the communication broke down. Her misunderstanding of my intentions is the block between us. The voice command she knows well is to come to her name. She’s received treats, loud verbal excitement, and touch that reassures her. If she’s fearful, all that goes out the window, she’s stuck.
Just after she repeatedly got the sheep moving by just getting close enough to them, we got them through the gate. I was so excited. I praised her from afar, she recognized my pleasure and ran back to me. I gave her all the wonderful touches she adores. I gave her all the food I had in my pocket. Five minutes later, I called her name. I whistle. I bend over and wave my arms. She is frozen. Not following me or coming. I see this consistently. She finally does get the message, but I don’t have insight into her mind to help her. I want her to have freedom, but she needs to receive it.