Aug 30, 2024d

Trust. Having Dixie home again is great. When I went back to the 300-acre ranch on Wednesday, I drove the truck near the unused cabin on the acreage. I whistled and to my surprise she ran full speed from behind the buildings, jumped through two gates and was at my feet with joy.
She’s been missing before. The reunion after her first disappearance was not like this greeting. She stared at me from 50 feet away. I called her name, she remained motionless. Once trust began building, she got closer, and when she sensed who I was, she was transformed.
Trust. In 2024, I’m re-experiencing first love toward Jesus. His character, gentleness, patience, and His desires for me have deepened my trust in him. I run to Him even though I’ve messed up. He receives me just like the father in the Prodigal Son parable. He puts a robe on me, gives me food to eat, and gives me a ring of authority.