Power of trust

“Trust him with all my heart”. Struggles come in many forms. I heard Shannon’s testimony regarding her stillborn child, her family prayed before and after the baby was born for it to come back from the dead. She declared her trust during pregnancy and after the baby was buried. Shannon did trust and believe with all her heart to the fullest measure. Do I? I’m making progress.
In 2014, I purchased a pure Dorper ewe and ram and intended to have multiple purebred sheep. Between sickness and accidents including a dog attack, very few purebreds remain. The last fatal accident occurred this week, with a four month old ewe lamb stuck on her back in a ground depression. The fatalities come despite prayers, changing medications, or any supreme effort. In the midst of asking questions, he said it was about the Who. His love never decreases, nor does his power. So trusting with all my heart must leave room for unanswered questions. Because the real question is settled, He never abandons us.
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