I battle to keep these crazy sheep from escaping their boundaries. Just two days ago, I’m stomping after my sheep that are outside of their boundary (twice in one week.) They know where they are supposed to be, but always keep testing their boundary. My act of love is to move them inside the electric fence once more. But they want that good and perfect food on their own terms, so they keep testing their boundaries and will always escape if the power goes off.
Unlike Jesus I became exhausted, for they know my arm is short, so they stay just out of reach, they scatter in all four directions. I also use my truck to herd sheep, and busted my truck tire a week ago because I drove over a bent steel post hidden in the grass; it was unrepairable and cost $750 to replace. I also get angry. In that flock are numerous sheep that I’ve raised by feeding them milk because their mom died. Those tame sheep are the hardest ones to get to move. They’ve stopped, put their head down and keep eating no matter what unless I can sneak up on them and smack their butt. It’s a game of catch me if you can.
Shifting gears here, I started to write about love. We always need it. Yet when act as if we are not loved, we’ve moved into a realm God doesn’t want us to live in. Our mind or flesh rebels in a certain fashion and now we are faced with a Shepherd who did more than become exhausted with us. His whole existence, willingly being executed, and his resurrection all loudly shout stay inside my LOVE.