Aug 26, 2024
Ping! Ping! Ping! That is the sound of accusations bouncing off my armor or cloak, which Jesus provided for me. This visual image in my mind connects me to God’s promises to deliver me from the evil one. Many times I’ve written about the sheep dying. This led to feelings of helplessness, condemnation, and repeated remembrances of their deaths which only led to more fear.
My other pattern is striving. To defeat that aspect I now visualize that Jesus installed a cloak on me, on my behalf. I trust he delivers me from the enemy. I have decided Jesus is good. So now I’m paying attention to the pinging, which is the deflection of the accuser’s weapon. This mental image of Jesus, the cloak, the pings; leads to praise. In Him, I’m not helpless; He stepped on that snake’s head already. He gave me authority, which acknowledges God rescued me from the evil one past, present, and future. Abraham believed and he obtained a cloak of righteousness. Deliverance is promised 24/7 not by our striving, but when we trust and believe in the deliverer.
(Image is a free AI generated image, it only allowed two tries in free version, so it’s meant to stir imagination, but doesn’t have “armor”)