Seeing sheep in pain galvanizes me to take action. Thing is the sheep are very hard to catch. They don’t know that I can give them pain killers, or an ointment that speeds their healing. This month many lambs had bacteria invading the soles of their feet. Two weeks ago, I exhausted myself corralling lambs to spray bacteria inhibiting liquid onto their feet. This treatment needs to be repeated for the bad cases or I turn to a stronger and more invasive method.
Why did Jesus wash feet?” He declared to Peter “You shall have no part of me unless I wash your feet.” Peter instantly responded “wash all of me.” Jesus sees you like I as a shepherd see my sheep. He is not ignoring the pain. Jesus said to his disciples “…and you are clean though not all of you.”
Shame, sin, wounds, the dirt of the world is on us. We who are washed by faith still need Jesus’ touch to be fully clean like He did for his disciples in the upper room. The Shepherd doesn’t wait for us to realize it, he is always wanting to minister. Is he allowed to do it?