Maintaining hope. For me it’s slowing down and appreciating beauty. I see the verdant green hills of Waimea, so steep that it probably takes horses to gather the cattle down to the corrals. It’s when a sheep that normally is afraid of me comes near and just hangs out. Waterfalls truly inspire me. It’s grasping the total power of the universe to the infinite reaches, all the way down to the essence of a DNA chain that powers life. None of this life energy can possibly be bigger than the Creator of it all.
The idea that He separated the water below from the waters above captured my wonder and awe. Clouds didn’t exist? It started around the time he created rainbows as a promise of never flooding the earth totally again. His breath formed us, and that “spark” in his eye is the reason for our existence. Rewiring my thoughts to the honorable and excellent things is shifting my focus into a better realm, a place of rest and trust. Awe and wonder from a child discovering amazing things is more than it appears on the surface, it is a bridge to our Creator. It acts like a reset button, clearing the way for our future hope to grow and trust in our Creator’s plan.