October 8, 2024

When sheep are huddled together, it shows their design kicking in. In a fierce storm, they will stand so tightly together it helps them to stay warm enough. When dogs come raiding that flock, they also try to huddle tightly together. I know as an earthly shepherd, when all the sheep heads are raised, staring out in the same direction away from me, that I need to take action. At other times, it is a false alarm.
Any sheep who is always alone, not really paying attention, and doing their own thing also alarms me. Something has gone wrong with them. It might be illness or greed. It can still be a healthy sheep, but I pay attention long enough to see if it is okay.
What is really interesting to me is when I hear students or friends share their stories. I can perceive where they feel really alone, and carry feelings of abandonment. I do relate to that. God has been directing me to pull closer into a group. For that to happen I work to rebuke lies, such as I’m not interesting enough or they don’t care enough.
I really pay attention to those who lost family members. It’s a place where the Holy Spirit steps in, and I’m privileged to pray that they sense this in increasing amounts. In short, God encourages me to be there, supporting them in the storm and afterward.