Curiosity is so evident in sheep. There is a stage where a newborn lamb might approach and follow me if I’m near enough. Even while the mom bleats to get her lamb to follow her, the lamb watches me. The ones that run up to me just melt my heart. It is my reward.

While God doesn’t need a reward like that, I do imagine He is pleased. Now step back a moment and imagine this pleasure coming from He who created sun, moon and stars, yet loves people; who has more followers than any social media star; and is the ultimate leader of all nations.
My love language is time. As a single person it’s not likely to be fully met by those around me. Yet my superhero gives me more than just time in a day. This love connection isn’t weakened on His side at all no matter what. Try reimagining Solomon’s song regarding devoted and unchanging love as a song over you. That book’s poetry unravels beauty and thrills beyond our current understanding. Deep connection of love…it heals.