Today I struggle with how to describe this fresh bread from the Lord.
At this very moment, I’m basking on the shores of the promised land. It is by faith this kingdom Jesus talked about is happening in my heart. I’m living on every word that proceeds out of God’s mouth. He’s filling it with one visual illustration after another that demonstrates how I live as a citizen of heaven.
It’s a place of peace, like the contentment of a weaned child resting on his or her mother’s chest. Being loved, knowing real pleasure. While I acknowledge my weakness, to miss the mark…sin still exists, but God declared it powerless. To renew my mind, I remain as a daughter, seated with Christ, and say to the deceiving one…”Get out.”
It is not I that is making this “bread.” Satan attempted to get Jesus to solve his hunger problem. “Tell these stones to become bread.” I’m receiving life in the Holy Spirit, which is yielding my trust into a very perfect and trustworthy Creator, King, Friend, Rescuer, mother, brother, or sister. May your mind be refreshed daily by this manna, Jesus himself. My puny words fail to describe it, but His teachings give life.