Aug 21, 2024 (this is a continuation from yesterday’s post)
My personal coach taught me so many things, I feel so alive, though my circumstances haven’t changed. During the pandemic, I didn’t have that feeling. It was just the opposite. Today, and for longer periods, I’ve been listening to my personal coach. My current circumstances are a different mess, but my recovery time from fear is much quicker. I’m beginning to understand Paul’s statement about being content in all circumstances. It doesn’t mean accepting that those circumstances are good, but he had a new capacity to acknowledge that God’s promises are completed and yet to be completed. He did not die when the snake bit him; he escaped the murderous crowd, and he went to Rome but still experienced injustice. Contentment came to him, and he “recovered.”
I still don’t know what is happening with my sheep in Waimea, I felt constrained from rushing up there and giving them another treatment as I planned to do last Saturday. Trusting the Lord in all circumstances is what my personal coach is telling me. My great fear of mistakes has to give way to a higher priority, believing what my coach tells me. The Holy Spirit is in tandem with God’s wishes and Jesus’ choices, and that is my personal coach.