Our posture toward God is meant to be receiving what is completed. Imagine eternal water flowing over us, signifying a waterfall of forgiveness; it is a state of righteousness given in the same manner he gave it to Abraham.
When the sick man was lowered from the roof into Jesus’ presence, that man’s sins were forgiven publicly and for all time. How are each of us doing in receiving these words into our lives? Are we seeing only failure or a cleanness that comes from believing we are rescued? There is no on and off button; it is on our side. Is the gift accepted or rejected?
When Jesus spoke those words to that paralyzed man, he was declaring them to all humanity. God’s gift is that our hearts become clean by faith by trusting HIM like Abraham did. So even if I struggle with anxiety or flesh-based attitudes, I can look at Jesus, whose promises are real. His Spirit contended with and defeated the accuser. Do our feelings matter more than this truth?
I woke up and experienced anger and fear in the first five minutes. My dog’s fear is so extreme that she often waits until her bladder is nearly bursting before she will relieve herself. While I waited outside with her, all she wanted was to rush back into the house, I blocked her path three times before she actually did what she was supposed to do. This struggle has been going on for three years.
Right after that, I spy a seven-inch centipede racing underneath my dining table. I’m freaking out. I rushed into the kitchen to grab tongs, a spatula, or anything to smack it dead. But it was hiding upon my return. I’m thinking how long will it be before it appears again. I dragged the couch, recliner, and other things, and thankfully, it appeared, and my heart was totally racing as I smacked it with a long-handled spoon. Then it gets flushed down the toilet! Then I could calm down.
Thanks for reading this far. I’m humbled and encouraged when it blesses you.
**********below is a request for ministry partners who can advise, pray or give gifts*******
I’ve volunteered with Youth with a Mission for 20+ years. YWAM’s principle for finances is trusting God for our needs. We do not receive a salary.
I feel like a slave to credit cards and wrestle with how to handle truck breakdowns, and other things like dental care. I receive some sheep income and donations. Will you help me sort out paying off approximately $20,000? I’m still reluctant to write to you and ask for help. So I first inquired of the Lord and asked what to do, and this seems to be the answer. In the light of His power and love, this need is easy for the Lord. Yet He does it via partnering with people.
my donation link: https://apply.ywamkona.org/staff/s/donate?id=5227