To partner with Thema

Despite being deaf and wearing hearing aids that didn’t help much, I completed my Discipleship Training School in 1990 in Hong Kong and went to India for outreach. Much later, Quezon City, Philippines, was my home for three years. When I came to University of the Nations (UofN) to attend the School of Digital Design in Kona, I was ready for a change. Up until then, it didn’t seem possible that I qualified for a cochlear implant operation. Now, I wear two implants and have nearly normal hearing. 

Even with much better hearing, I still needed courage to speak up and bless others. Now, I’m amazed at my newfound God-given courage. I’ve spent a lifetime being the quiet one and not understanding conversations in a group.

At UofN Kona schools, I learned writing and photography using Adobe software and a large-format printer. In my 22 years here, I staffed the same schools afterward, worked in the communications department, and took care of the campus sheep. This flock cuts down the grass fire danger, provides entertainment, biblical perspectives, and more.

I need to raise $50,000 and get a loan to purchase my current Kona home. The seller plans to use these proceeds to fund the UofN Kona scholarship for international students. I also need new monthly supporters and a way to avoid the high interest rates that banks ask of me.