2024 September 19

I couldn’t stand it when Dixie wouldn’t follow me. Why does she stop so often and is ready to run away? I did my utmost not to get angry and kept calling her to keep coming. She does this so often that I despair that she will ever follow me when times are tough. It’s no problem for her to follow me when she’s on a leash or when things are easy. But when it’s tough, it reminds me of Peter saying to Jesus, “I have your back,” and later on, he runs away.
Do you remember Jesus being totally abandoned and rejected? He knows Peter promised, “Not me. I will always be with you. I have your back.” In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is so sorrowful and emotionally broken that he asks, “Is there another way? Do I have to experience what is about to happen to me?” Jesus drank that bitter cup. He felt within his body every human emotion at that point.
Jesus asked those 11 to stay awake. They didn’t. He forgave them. He forgives me.