2024 September 22

This little guy got himself tangled because he was eating grass on the wrong side of this fence. All the other sheep went into their newly opened paddock, which offers my sheep choices like crisp young lettuce to salad lovers. He rejected what had been provided.
Jesus suffered rejection. All his words and deeds to his 12 disciples didn’t cause them to stand steadfast by his side when the horde came to arrest him in that garden. I’ve been discovering the same tendencies in me all too often. But now I’m leaning on his promises rather than dwelling in despair. Embracing His story of how He untangled my life yesterday, today, and even this minute is how to respond to His love. My feelings of loneliness cannot compete with the real world when Jesus is always present, has rescued me, and also miraculously gives me His character. The symbolism of the father putting the robe onto the son who declared himself the hired hand is the picture I have of Jesus putting his character within me.